Dahlia and Blue Topaz Floral Engagement Ring

We createdthis14K white gold and blue topaz engagement ringfor Raleigh and Jenniferusing the Dahlia flower as the design basis.
Raleigh was wonderfulto work with because he was attentive to detail when specifying his design vision, but he was alsoflexible when it came to the creation process. He requestedthat he ideally wanted to use the Cameo varietyas the design foundation, but he left everything else open to Takayas's interpretation.

Dahlia Cameo variety sample image that Raleigh supplied

Designing the petals
Because of all of the layers of flower petals in the Dahlia flower, the initialdesign started to become verybulky due to the sheer quantity of metalrequiredto create the petals.
So instead, Takayasrefined the design usingasilhouette cut-out shape for the petals in order to capture the depth and details of a real Dahliawithout having all of the heaviness ofsolidmetal petals.


We used a simplified band design with very clean lines to keep the eye's focus to the flower centerpiece. The band is also slightly widerin ordertobalance out the flower diameteras well as structurally support all of the petals.

Many congratulations to the newly engaged couple, and thank you for letting us share your story!